Artists in Residence
"Residenza di artisti" è un programma che vede la stretta collaborazione tra gli artisti e la struttura che li ospita, l'ECK. Grazie ad esso, gli artisti si vedono offrire spazi e risorse che ne sostengono la pratica creativa. L'idea di base è che l'intensa interazione tra artisti, museo e visitatori non può che portare mutui benefici.
tedesco, italiano, inglese
From 3 to 6 months
Paid by artist:
Own maintenance, travel, visa, insurance and materials needed for work and final exhibition.
Application guidelines:
The residents are selected under the suggestion of MPRA Partner Organisations and members of MPRA Advisory Board. Recommendations of international artists for the programme from individuals, institutions, galleries, publishing companies and other bodies active in the art scene are welcome. A recommendation demands that a contact to the international artist is established beforehand in order to verify if the artist is interested and if s/he has the practical possibility to take part in the residency.
Please check the website for upcoming deadlines.
Per presentare la propria candidatura: info@eck.museum
Artists in Residence